“There are really three things that sums up consumers attitude towards Covid-19 : They are responsible, resilient and ready to resume.”
“About brands’ attitudes, we see three things : presence, efficacy and utility.
Watch example of KFC distribution and Cowell Pharmacy business model : 12”00 – 12”55
“ When it comes to Consumers attitudes towards brands, It’s important that we track how consumers attitudes evolved across the past quarter. We can see how consumers have reacted, with shifts in perception across quality, value, purchase intent, word of mouth, awareness, value and satisfaction.”
“ Including data around resumption rate and consumer spends level tells when best to communicate. At a macro level, the data is quite encouraging: both the manufacturing and services index bounced back with a V-shaped recovery in March, essentially coming back to their pre-Covid levels (…) Spends level helping us identify demand levels as well. While majority restrictions have been lifted, retail spending has not yet returned to normal with March total retail sales at – 15.8% Year on Year (-20.5% in January)
“ Marketers that will do well will be the one that are looking to set themselves up for the long term. And advertising has a long term impact on sales. Dividing marketing expenses and having price promotions on the short term usually damages brand values. Brave marketers are the ones that really will use the opportunity to win the hearts and minds of consumers “
“To cope with the crisis and the extreme conditions, we’ve taken 11 actions.
Watch these operations : 14”00 → 19”24
Embracing the power of livestreaming to facilitate ‘Discovery’
The pandemic has changed our shopping behaviour, the consumer are more and more used to purchase more expensive stuff online. It will become usual to do online shopping even for expensive products like cars.
As sales and business performance started to see declines, many marketers across the globe started to review their media mix and strategies.
Various surveys from the DAN (Dentsu Aegis Network) study in China to Marketing Week in the UK indicate that markets are looking to stop spending (7% in China), delay campaign, or pause new product launches (55% in the UK). Whilst this is not a comparable situation to anything else, there is evidence and proof to show that brands should keep advertising during downturns. Brands that stop spending on advertising and ‘go dark’ will see declines in brand awareness and relationship metrics as well as purchase measure. . Analysis by Kantar Millward Brown proves that 60% of brands that ‘go dark’ see a negative impact on brand relationship metrics, losing.
Brands have a critical role to play in easing people’s concerns, sense of isolation and foster a sense of confidence and optimism. A recent GWI survey across 13 markets showed that outside of China (56%) there are high levels of concern about the covid-19 virus situation in people’s countries and rising as this situation continues ranging from 71% in Germany to as high as 98% in Japan. In the span of two weeks concern levels in the UK rose from 77% to 87%.
What is clear is that in times of uncertainty people want facts and information. This has been an unprecedented time for media consumption and news consumption across all audience segments and regions. Less than 50% of those globally survey approved of brands running “normal” advertising campaigns which aren’t linked to coronavirus with 20% expressing disapproval. That being said, in a time when values are valued over 80% of those surveyed said they approved of brands running campaigns that show how they are responding to coronavirus / helping customers. Furthermore, nearly 90% of people approved of brands sharing practical information/ tips to help deal with the situation.
Watch How brands should communicate to their audience during these times : 25”33→ 26”18
Travel behaviour has massively changed as countries go into lockdown. What will change will be the motivations and mindset of travellers. People are not booking flights quite yet, they are looking for inspiration and aspirations of where to travel. Trends suggests that we won’t return to normal in the short to medium term. When things do return, we are likely to see the following:
We will see three types of travellers’ post covid-19.
Watch explanations on who are these travellers: 34”45→ 36”55
“ The longer this global lockdown last, the more extreme each group will become” .
The key now more than ever, is the message and getting the timing right. The issue is the ‘right answer’ is constantly shifting. Staying close to your most valued consumer is more important than ever before. Whilst they may not be booking trips, that doesn’t mean they are nothing thinking about travelling. On CNN, despite people not being able to travel, we have seen an increase in audiences and user engagement.
Pushing ‘travel now’ is not the time but there are still opportunities to maintain SOV (Share of Voice), be visible in the right way and build brand equity : Get the tone right ; Collaborate & Coordinate ; Show Don’t Tell:
This is when a brand’s values and purpose will truly shine. Once this 2-6-month window is over, everyone is going to be vying for the hearts and minds of travellers.