Tim WU
Tim Wu is Advisory Board Member and Programme Director of New World Group’s Startup Incubator Eureka Nova. He is China Consultant to Li & Fung China Development Ltd, Executive Director of Caring for Children Foundation and Director of Healthy Hong Kong Foundation. Mr. Wu is a veteran in China and Hong Kong business. He was Greater China CEO of the fashion and consumer business arms of large multinational corporations including Hutchison Whampoa, Inchcape and Li & Fung. Mr. Wu has substantial experience in a wide spectrum of industries including packaged goods, fashion, footwear, home furnishing, licensing and online sourcing. Mr. Wu is keen on promoting social well-being through technological, humanity and artistic advance. He has strong interests in China and Hong Kong’s socio-economic developments and interaction with the World.
胡应勤 胡先生现任香港新世界集团属下初创孵化器 Eureka Nova 顾问和项目总策划, 利丰中国发展公司中国顾问,福幼基金会执行董事,快乐港仁基金会董事。 胡氏历任和记黄埔,英之杰,利丰等跨国企业时尚和消费品部门首席执行官, 掌管大中华区业务,涵盖快消品,服饰,鞋履,时尚家居,品牌授权和在线采 购等行业。 胡先生热衷于通过科技,人文和艺术提升去改善社会和人民生活的质量。他特 别关注国家和香港的社会经济发展以及跟国际社会的互动。